Saturday, May 15, 2010

What Every Craft Kit Should Have

Arts & Crafts are a fun and easy way to spend an afternoon with your children. When its raining out or if you just want to do something different, crafts engage kids imaginations, their minds and their hands. There are endless craft ideas and you can always do a good ol' fashion collage or finger painting. But having a well stocked craft kit will give you and your child endless options when looking for a new activity. Here are a few suggestions to get your kit started and some ideas of how to grow your kit.

The Must-Haves
1) Construction Paper
2) Glue - liquid and stick form
3) Felt - a variety pack of remnants
4) Crayons - non-toxic and washable
5) Safety Scissors

The Secondary Essentials - all in various sizes and colors
1) Pom-Poms
2) Pipe Cleaners
3) Feathers
4) Popsicle sticks
5) Ribbon/Yarn

The Household Necessities -
1) Flour
2) Newspaper
3) Empty soup cans
4) Clear tape
5) Paperclips

1) Finger paints
2) Markers
3) Kraft paper
4) Buttons
5) Shoe boxes

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