Monday, July 12, 2010

Plastic Spoon Puppets

This is a cheap and easy craft that you can do again & again  and can lead to hours of role playing fun!

What You Need: 
Plastic Spoons, Felt, Permanent Markers, Scissor, Glue, Pipe Cleaners

What To Do:
Draw faces on to the back side of the spoons with permanent markers. Carefully cut clothing, hair, hats, etc from felt. (Note: Fold clothing in half and use scissor to make a slit to slide spoon handle in) Glue hair on spoon. Wrap a pipe cleaner around the handle to make arms.

inspired by a post by Inspired Crafter


  1. Awww your puppets turned out so cute! Love the idea of putting clothes on them!

  2. love the spoon puppets =)
    new follower. hope you can come by sometime

  3. Cute idea! I am loving your site for ideas to keep my girls busy this summer.

  4. AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS IS PERFECT 4 MY PROJECT
